Gangs have been around for a long time. Statistics show that the number of people in gangs increase more and more everyday. Today there are 20,000 gangs, consisting of almost one million members in the United States alone ( With all of the negativity you hear about gangs, I wondered why people would join a gang in the first place. I found that there are several reasons why people join gangs. The three that I feel have a huge impact on making this choice are money problems, peer pressure, and protection.
People living in poor areas of cities, struggling to make ends meet, turn to gangs because they think it is an easy solution. The potential to make a lot of money in gangs is fairly easy by selling drugs or committing theft.
Peer pressure and a little boredom go hand in hand as motives of why people join gangs, especially younger kids. When kids are bored, they go find something to occupy their time. If they don’t have a good role model keeping them on the right track, they can easily get caught up in the wrong crowd. Also when someone’s friends are in a gang, it is easy to get pressured into joining.
Those who feel that it isn’t safe where they live find ways to get protection. When gangs are active in the community, they feel that the best way to be safe is joining. By joining that gang, they have acceptance of members and know the gang will offer protection and assistance as needed.
It is unfortunate that so many people turn to gangs no matter the reasons. By joining a gang a person may feel they are better off, but in the long run they are making it more difficult to succeed.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Gangs Aren't Just In Big Cities
Gang violence is a huge problem amongst Americans. Gangs are everywhere, they even exist up here in Moline, IL. It obviously is not as much of a problem as it is in LA, Chicago, or New York; these large cities have significant amounts of gang violence. But here in the Quad Cities, gangs do exist and violence is all around us.
When I was in second or third grade, I was walking around in the woods near my cousins trailor park, when we came across some concrete walls. It was just an old building and the walls were covered in writing. The words written on them that had no meaning to us, but we got the hint that it wasn't anything good. On the way back to my cousins house we ran into some older kids smoking cigarettes. They were probably in seventh or eighth grade. There was no dodging them so we had to talk to them. A little nervous, I decided to ask one of the them what he was doing with a listerine bottle. He looked at his friends and laughed, then turned back towards me saying he was using it to get drunk. Finally we got past them. Once we were out of sight from them we laughed about how they were drinking something that you are supposed to clean your teeth with. Then my cousin told me that the kid we were talking with had told him previously, that his older brother was in a gang. He said that he had to get beat up to get in, then once he was in they made him do bad things to prove he was tough. One thing he had to do was cut off a cats tail.
This is just one small example of how we face gangs in our lives. As I have grown older, I have seen kids at school turn to gangs 'for protection,' or so they say. It's crazy to see them turn from being interested in school, to chosing a life of drugs and violence.
When I was in second or third grade, I was walking around in the woods near my cousins trailor park, when we came across some concrete walls. It was just an old building and the walls were covered in writing. The words written on them that had no meaning to us, but we got the hint that it wasn't anything good. On the way back to my cousins house we ran into some older kids smoking cigarettes. They were probably in seventh or eighth grade. There was no dodging them so we had to talk to them. A little nervous, I decided to ask one of the them what he was doing with a listerine bottle. He looked at his friends and laughed, then turned back towards me saying he was using it to get drunk. Finally we got past them. Once we were out of sight from them we laughed about how they were drinking something that you are supposed to clean your teeth with. Then my cousin told me that the kid we were talking with had told him previously, that his older brother was in a gang. He said that he had to get beat up to get in, then once he was in they made him do bad things to prove he was tough. One thing he had to do was cut off a cats tail.
This is just one small example of how we face gangs in our lives. As I have grown older, I have seen kids at school turn to gangs 'for protection,' or so they say. It's crazy to see them turn from being interested in school, to chosing a life of drugs and violence.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
People do not always act the same way that they describe they will. We talk big and brave and then at the first sign of danger, our true selves show. I have an example where I experienced this first hand. This weekend I went to 'Torment at 1200', a haunted house in Orion. I was with my older brother and some of his friends. There was a 20 year old guy who was home on leave from the Army. He was a pretty big dude, and talked a lot about times in the military. It didn't seem like anything would phase or unnerve him.
There was this girl that was with us, who was getting really nervous. She was getting more and more scared as we proceeded through the woods. As all of us were walking down the path, two guys were holding her hands, and the guy from the Army looked over at her saying some comforting words. "Don't worry, you have two really bigs dudes by you, there's nothing to worry about. We'll protect you." Well, we didn't get two steps further after he had said this to her, when the chainsaw started up right behind us. It was all unexpected. He pushed the girl aside and started running for his life.
This is just a humerous example of how actions speak louder than words. As you think about it on a deeper level you realize that people will remember us by the way we carry ourselves. If you present yourself the way you believe is right then others will remember you as a good person. If you are making fun of someone because you just want to make the next guy laugh, then you will be seen as someone completely different. It only takes one time or event and then people make up their minds about you. How do you want to be remembered?
There was this girl that was with us, who was getting really nervous. She was getting more and more scared as we proceeded through the woods. As all of us were walking down the path, two guys were holding her hands, and the guy from the Army looked over at her saying some comforting words. "Don't worry, you have two really bigs dudes by you, there's nothing to worry about. We'll protect you." Well, we didn't get two steps further after he had said this to her, when the chainsaw started up right behind us. It was all unexpected. He pushed the girl aside and started running for his life.
This is just a humerous example of how actions speak louder than words. As you think about it on a deeper level you realize that people will remember us by the way we carry ourselves. If you present yourself the way you believe is right then others will remember you as a good person. If you are making fun of someone because you just want to make the next guy laugh, then you will be seen as someone completely different. It only takes one time or event and then people make up their minds about you. How do you want to be remembered?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Being Active
I am responding to Kyle Randolph's comment on my blog about exercising. I believe exercising is an important thing to do, and I am also glad to know others feel the same way. I also agree with Kyle on the fact that exercising is becoming harder to accomplish because of the mordern technology. It's hard for the children growing up with computers and state of the art video games at their finger tips to appricate the simple things in life. Our generation is effected by the increase of technology, but the generations after us will have an even more difficult time parting from their technically savy lifestyles. The main objective behind exercising is to have a healthy life. Health is one thing no one should take for granted. So to help our future kids who will be growing up with all of the technical advances we can motivate them by fun activities. Either playing catch with them, a pick-up game with some of their friends, or even a family walk. By doing this you not only make a step to better the health of both generations, but you also gain a closer relationship with your kids.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Some people think it's all about the kill, going out and tracking an animal, finding, shooting and bringing home the meat. For me, I go out because I just want to get away from all the stresses and hassles of school, work, chores, wrestling, everything. When I am out in the woods, it's almost like time just stands still. The birds are flying aimlessly around over head. The squirrels chase each other from tree to tree. Then I realize how great of a world this is. How many wonders are out there that people don't take the time to see. I forget about everything back home and just relax. I look around and just wonder how people can say there isn't a God. I don't know how this could have been created without him.
I find that sitting in the woods, with the quiet all around, soaking in the environment and absorbing the sights and sounds is all I need. I really enjoy going with my Dad who sits quietly at his own place just over the next hill, or around the bend, close, but not close enough to talk. We often sit for hours in the cold and the rain or snow, with our hand warmers and the quiet. When we do get a little cold, we meet in the truck and have some coffee and sandwiches. Always something simple yet perfect.
Sometimes we walk quietly, stepping carefully over the brush and around the plant life so not to disturb any animals. When we do see a deer, either a buck or a doe, the excitement just explodes inside your chest. Even if the animal is too far away or if it is running past, your heart races with excitement of seeing such a beautiful animal and the anticipation of sharing your simple story with friends.
Everytime I leave the woods I leave with a new perspective.
I find that sitting in the woods, with the quiet all around, soaking in the environment and absorbing the sights and sounds is all I need. I really enjoy going with my Dad who sits quietly at his own place just over the next hill, or around the bend, close, but not close enough to talk. We often sit for hours in the cold and the rain or snow, with our hand warmers and the quiet. When we do get a little cold, we meet in the truck and have some coffee and sandwiches. Always something simple yet perfect.
Sometimes we walk quietly, stepping carefully over the brush and around the plant life so not to disturb any animals. When we do see a deer, either a buck or a doe, the excitement just explodes inside your chest. Even if the animal is too far away or if it is running past, your heart races with excitement of seeing such a beautiful animal and the anticipation of sharing your simple story with friends.
Everytime I leave the woods I leave with a new perspective.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
What Really Grinds My Gears
You know what really grinds my gears? The news, all you here about is the bad and not enough on the good. There are so many great people doing outstanding things every day. I started looking on CNN for a good story to talk about, but almost gave up because I couldn't find one. Finally I came across this video on how a family's house was flooded all the way up to their ceiling. Their cars, the house, everything was ruined. Then when they least expected it, a group of volunteers arrived to give a helping hand. The group is called Samaritan's Purse. They go all over the world giving a helpful hand to the poor, sick, and suffering.
I am inspired after learning about this group, and all of the lives they have changed. Then I ask myself, how in the hell did Roman Polanski make it on the front page of His story was how he is being arrested now for having sex with a 13 year old in 1977.
How are we supposed to feel good about all the blessings around world if we never here about them. The news should promote groups like Samaritan's Purse, so we can be grateful for those making this great world of ours a better place to live.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Volunteering Makes You Happy and Healthy
Volunteering makes you a happier and healthier person. After someone volunteers, they get a great sense of accomplishment. There is nothing quite like it, you leave with a different outlook on life, especially if you volunteer for the less fortunate. You start noticing how lucky you are for the gifts you have that others don't.
I volunteered at a food kitchen, where they feed the hungry, and took more out of it than I would have ever expected. They were so thankful for that one meal, which made me realize that not everyone knows when their next meal will come. Sure I knew that there are people out there who weren't sure when they would eat again, but once you experience how grateful they are you start becoming that way too.
Volunteering is so great because, not only do you start seeing life through a different perspective, you are actually reducing your risk for heart disease. After reading this article on how volunteering is good for you, I know that people who volunteer a couple hours a week live a longer life than those who don't. They have a greater sense of belonging because, they feel like they have an affect on other peoples lives. It's funny how just a little bit of your time goes such a long way.
I volunteered at a food kitchen, where they feed the hungry, and took more out of it than I would have ever expected. They were so thankful for that one meal, which made me realize that not everyone knows when their next meal will come. Sure I knew that there are people out there who weren't sure when they would eat again, but once you experience how grateful they are you start becoming that way too.
Volunteering is so great because, not only do you start seeing life through a different perspective, you are actually reducing your risk for heart disease. After reading this article on how volunteering is good for you, I know that people who volunteer a couple hours a week live a longer life than those who don't. They have a greater sense of belonging because, they feel like they have an affect on other peoples lives. It's funny how just a little bit of your time goes such a long way.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Benefits on Exercising
I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say how they are too tired to exercise. Not going to lie, I find myself thinking about that a lot. It's funny how I think about it before every wrestling practice, while I have more energy throughout the day than I do in the off season.
Now I'm not saying the first week or two will be easy, you will most likely be more tired than you would not exercising. This is only because your body is trying to adjust to the new lifestyle. Once your body starts coping with your workouts and isn't sore anymore is when you'll see the improvements in your energy level.
If you are curious about this lifestyle, there is a great, short, article that you should take a look at. This article is about how your body will feel and a couple of other things that go hand-in-hand with your workouts. Exercising is guaranteed to give you more energy and make you feel better about yourself.
Now I'm not saying the first week or two will be easy, you will most likely be more tired than you would not exercising. This is only because your body is trying to adjust to the new lifestyle. Once your body starts coping with your workouts and isn't sore anymore is when you'll see the improvements in your energy level.
If you are curious about this lifestyle, there is a great, short, article that you should take a look at. This article is about how your body will feel and a couple of other things that go hand-in-hand with your workouts. Exercising is guaranteed to give you more energy and make you feel better about yourself.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Every morning you have a choice
Going through life you can have two mindsets. You can constantly think about, "what really grinds your gears" and keep wishing you had more. You could also take a more positive approach and think of the glass half-full and be grateful for the things you are blessed with. There is always someone out there in a worse position than you. It all starts with choices.
Let's take two people with the same childhood, and see how different their lives are just by the mindset they wake up with each morning. Throughout their childhood they were continuously getting abused and tormented. The first one grew up thinking of how it will all get better, while the other one was more discouraged and didn't believe it would get better.
The positive one received pretty good grades, constantly trying to better himself. After high school he attended college at a university a couple states away to start a new chapter in his life.
The other constantly made excuses, getting grades that barely put him through school. He went to college to just get away.
As time passes they each have families, the optimistic one makes sure his family doesn't experience what he went through. The pessimistic one feels he is the one that deserves the most and when something goes wrong he takes it out on his unfortunate children, allowing himself to be no better than his own parents.
Every morning you have a choice...
Let's take two people with the same childhood, and see how different their lives are just by the mindset they wake up with each morning. Throughout their childhood they were continuously getting abused and tormented. The first one grew up thinking of how it will all get better, while the other one was more discouraged and didn't believe it would get better.
The positive one received pretty good grades, constantly trying to better himself. After high school he attended college at a university a couple states away to start a new chapter in his life.
The other constantly made excuses, getting grades that barely put him through school. He went to college to just get away.
As time passes they each have families, the optimistic one makes sure his family doesn't experience what he went through. The pessimistic one feels he is the one that deserves the most and when something goes wrong he takes it out on his unfortunate children, allowing himself to be no better than his own parents.
Every morning you have a choice...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
not what i was expecting to write about
My mom just brought half of a pizza home. I guess i'll write about the positive not the negative
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